Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This last month we have been hearing alot of excited comments from Jack that start with "My Preschool..." and yesterday was finally the day! This is the face he gave me when I said, "Say Preschool!"
Excited maybe?

Daddy couldn't resist coming to take him to his big day.

I love this picture of him in front of the building. Just a little kid going to a big school.

I was nervous leaving him with all these people I don't know (it is a preschool on the base). When I dropped him off he just started playing and I was like, "Is this it? Do I just leave him?" The teacher assured me it was fine. I asked if they would do name tags and she said they would get to it later. So I left and enjoyed having 3 hours with just my Chase.

At the end of his long 3 hour day.
This picture says to me, "You did come back for me!!"

"I'm Outta here!"

Ah, and the best part. I asked him what they did and he wouldn't tell me anything. So I went in and asked the teacher how it went and if he told her his name. "Well, we had to figure it out. We were like "who is Jack? Which one of you is Jack?" and finally "Are YOU Jack?" He just nodded his head."
Jack has proven that you can go to school and make it through
without saying a word, not one word.
He says he is excited to go back tomorrow:)


Pierce and Stacy said...

haha. He didn't say a word?!?! That's cute. I was the total opposite.

Jamie said...

so cute! That is totally Jack! I can't believe you have a kid that is that old!

Tracy Anderson said...

That is so funny that Jack wouldn't talk to anyone. I'm sure he will warm up soon. I'm glad he had a fun time and is excited to go back. He's such a good kid!

Kelli said...

He's so cute. Yay for preschool :)

Melissa Coleman said...

Oh I miss little Jack. What a cute kid. Wow, already in preschool! That's awesome. He's getting so big!