Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Old Tucson

We experienced the wild west at the Old Tucson Studios. I didn't have high expectations but since the in-laws were in town we thought we should do something Tucsonish. It was actually really cool! The whole place was like the old west with little buildings and cowboys riding around on horses.

The train was a kid favorite and the train conductor was awesome, look at that outfit!

Carousel was another favorite. A little warm up for disneyland.

Chase didn't like being put int he town Jail.

A good picture of the old west feel of the place. Since it was still kind of hot it was like a ghost town.

Grandma and Jack on the cars.

Grandpa and Chase

Mommy and Daddy even had a romantic drive, oh la la.


nora.lakehurst said...

LOL Sandra you are so funny,. I love that you got to have a "romantic" ride.

Emily Conkey said...

Man, we never went there. I honestly miss Tucson sometimes. Boulder is fabulous, but Tucson was such a fun, carefree year for us and I loved all the cool plants. Also, I loved getting to see you! You're awesome, San!