I felt like we were a bit of a white trash family when we got up early saturday morning and headed out to do some shootin'!
I like the handgun best. Don't try breakin' into my house when Quinn is gone, I keep this babe by the bed!
On the way home I made Quinn stop the car so I could pick some of these:
Be careful not to poke yourself!"
Me: "The actual fruits don't even have pokies on them."
I proceed to pick.
Quinn: "Are they even edible? What if they are poisoned?"
Me: "They're not poisoned, people make jam out of these!"
Now I have about 5 or 6.
Me: "OUch, oh....oh man..they do have stickers on them!"
It turns out the fruit themselves seem harmless as they just have a few spikes on them that are literally as flexible and thin as a human hair. They eventually stick ya though and my fingers still hurt 2 days later, nasty little suckers!
I did eat one half-hearted bite and one big whole-hearted bite
(after doning my gloves and cutting away all the skin)
but they don't taste like much, just very juicy and tasteless.
Those jam makers must use alot of sugar.
when i worked for anasazi we used to eat prickly pear fruit. The spikes on the fruit are so tiny. not so fun to have one suck under your tongue!
I loved the "No this is not a real gun" part...that made me laugh. It sounds like you had a lot of fun, except for the pokies in the finger part. Chase and Jack looked so cute with their ear protection on.
I made prickly pear jelly last year. My hands were covered for weeks with those spikes. I had to burn them off of each fruit over my gas stove. You add about 6 cups of sugar for 2 cups of prickly pear juice. I can tell you how to do it if you want to try. Go pick them from the main Julian Ranch road. That's where I got mine.
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