Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sooo Lucky!

Jack got into the kitchen drawer, found the permanent sharpie marker and wrote all over himself! My heart skipped a beat when I found him but I was so lucky...he only wrote on his own body. The carpet, brand new 1 day old couches, walls etc were totally clean, phew! He looked pretty funny with the marker all over him though.


Kelli said...

Oh my goodness! You are one lucky mama! Maybe he knew his limits and that he could only get away with drawing on himself. So, so cute! I want to see your new couches!! How fun! We just got a new entertainment center that I am absolutely in love with!!! Isn't it so fun getting new furniture?

Melissa Coleman said...

Wow San that is so lucky! Jack sure looks cute though! That's cool that you got new couches, what do they look like?