Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just a little older...

My grandma just turned 90.
It feels a little anti-climactic to me really. About a year ago my mom started saying things like, "She's almost 90" to people in the ward, or "My mom is about to turn 90." Also the occasional, "She'll be 90 this summer."
Then in the last few months people have stepped it up with comments like:
"Grandma is 90, can you believe that?" and "Wow, grandma is in her 90's"
Now, I know that little kids always want to be the year older. When they are 6 years and a month they say "I'm 6 and a half". 4 months before their birthday they say, "I'm almost 7!" etc. I thought we all got over this as we got older but apparently it just dies way down in middle age and then comes back with a vengeance around 90!
The best part is that as I was painting my Grandma's nails yesterday, July 29th, her actual 90th birthday she made the comment, "These nails of mine do funny things, I guess it's because they are almost 91 years old."
Bah Ha Ha!!


Jordan said...

I love grandma's since of humor!! I can't wait to see you guys in one week! :)

Ali B. said...

That's super funny! Can't wait to see you next week.

Tracy Anderson said...

Oh my gosh, I am busting up laughing right now. That was so funny!