Thursday, October 23, 2008

I just can't help it...

I have to post these pics, Chase is so cute!!

He sits by the running water and goes crazy with it. He is so sad when we have to turn it off, needless to say he has been having some deep baths lately.

Jack had a pic just like this with a bath toy in his mouth when he was this age:

Not to be outdone, here he is copying what we think is cute on just isn't quite the same though.

Before you think that we are only obsessed with Chase, here is a pic of Jack that I am ga-ga over. He washed the dishes all by himself. It took about an hour but they were actually clean at the end. All that running water did it's job. What a sweet, good, (and just recently) helpful boy!


nora.lakehurst said...

WOW! They are adorable. Now my fav pic is the last one. A *MAN* doing the dishes. How neat. I hope they keep it up. I wish I wasn't such a neat freak or I would totally let my kids do it. I have a bit of an OCD or as people would say cdo problem. Keep up the awesomeness.

Kelli said...

Honestly San, can they be any cuter?! I love the bath pics and I can't believe how much hair Chase has now! It will be so fun to see them (and you of course:) in a few weeks. Love you guys!!