Monday, January 7, 2013


We had an awesome Christmas in Utah!  
It was so incredibly hard to come home.  Highlights included lots of time with family
skiing on a crazy powder day, sledding, watching the snow, fondu/dance and much more!

The Nativity was the best it has ever crying!

Sledding behind the 4 wheeler is so much better than hiking up the hills!

Riding the new FRont runner train up to Temple Square was an adventure

Quinn and James built a rockin Igloo

Jack and I made glass flowers at the glass blowing 
studio up at Thanksgiving Point

It was a very new and different experience

Tracy and James threw the best New Years eve party since 1999! 
Complete with fondu and dancing the night away.

Tracy was so gracious to take pics of the kids at the last minute on our last day!

And the funny face

The funny face

 Thank you 1 thousand times Tracy!!


Heather said...

Your kids are so big and beautiful! I love how your boys look like you and Quinn respectively and Tessa is a mix of you two. Such cute kids! Glad to "see" you guys via the blog. If you are ever in Mesa we would love to see you!

nora.lakehurst said...

Holy cow! Why didn't you stop in at Mark and Kelli's Party??? I am so glad you got to sped it with people you love.
Tracy is amazing and I love her photos. Love all the photos.

Tracy Anderson said...

You're welcome San! I'm glad we could fit in some quick pics. We really did have a fun Christmas vacation. I'm so glad your family could come! We miss you.

Lo said...

I'm so glad I could see these pics of Christmas, and I LOVE the pictures of your kids! Jack's face with his tongue out is hilarious. That will go on his wedding video someday for sure. :) Great post, San!