Tuesday, November 23, 2010

House transformations

My sisters were talking the other day and one of them mentioned my change to white picture frames and the other couldn't picture it. So she emailed and asked that I post a few pics of my recent projects and my house so she can picture it. Honestly ladies, you should just come see it in person!

Here's the coffee table before:
And after! Including new rug and throw pillows:
The old entertainment center

Picked up this treasure at an antique store in town
(are all of you Tuconians aware that there are great antique stores in Tucson? There are!)
I love how the antiquing makes all the details pop out!
And in the house, complete with "family" sign I also painted:
p.s. is it too early for Christmas decorations? I didn't think so, my house is all decked out!

The chairs have had a few transformations
Here is the first change in 2008:
Now in 2010, love these fabrics! And no, they are not practical but who cares?
They make me happy when I look at them:)
(also, pre treated the fabric with stain guard and they wipe off pretty well!)
My kitchen wall. This used to have one picture on it.
I painted all the frames, many of them I already had so it didn't cost much!
(My christmas things are in there so its not completely how it looks normally but you get the idea)
Another wall of pics.
I love the oval frames and the round framed mirror was a great find at Goodwill!

No before pic of this little gem but it was brown/ugly.
Now it is my adorable end table!
My favorite compliment from anyone thus far was my friend who said, "I saw that before you painted it and I honestly thought it was way ugly and it looks great now!" She didn't have the vision!

This wall is still under construction. Tracy is making me a fat white frame for my timp pic for Christmas, can't wait!! And I have a cool framed scripture to go where the Christmas sleds are now. The little thing on the right is my collection of antique finds at the local stores.
Oh, and my garage during the chaos.
I knew somehow I was going to organize it to fit our new van when it came.....
And here it is: the Swagger Wagon! The boys think it is so cool, even cooler than Daddys truck! Probably just because it is newer,
Hope you enjoyed the tour!
My painting ideas came from www.allthingsthrifty.com Check it out.


Jessica said...

I love all the things you have done! I have been trying to find some cool old wooden finds but have had no luck. Oh, and I saw your cousin on Ellen again yesterday! :)

Tracy Anderson said...

San, I love your house. You have such a cute style. I particularly like the new entertainment center you got from the antique store. It looks amazing!

Tyler & Nikki said...

You go girl! You have got the touch! Love the decor!

Lindsay said...

Wow. I'm officially exhausted after looking at all those projects. You're amazing. How long did all that take you? I'm so excited you finally got a new van too. It is so nice to have a new car.

mylittlegems said...

Sandra- awesome- amazing finds! Yes, I love the thrift stores here :) The White Elephant in Green Valley is my new fave- it is like the Costco of Thrift stores ;) Where do you get all your energy? I have a garage of projects that need to be refinished- you should come over and do them for me :) I can't decide between white or black- love your white :) And a new car too? how fun :)

Julie Esplin said...

Thanks San, I really like it all. Makes me want to switch to white.